The Team 2022-2023

Editorial board

Eryn ’23


Eryn is a senior in her fourth year at Stanford OHS and is based in Thailand and Japan. Apart from serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Pixel Journal, she is also the founder and leader of the Youth for Animals Club at OHS. In her free time, she enjoys blogging, photography, and digital art.

April ’24

Assistant Editor

April is a junior in her fourth year at Stanford OHS from Southern California. At OHS, she is a student ambassador, peer tutor for statistics and latin, and TA for history and chemistry. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and baking.

Rasa ’25

Stories Editor

Rasa is a sophomore at Stanford OHS and this is her third year here at OHS. She is the current stories editor at the Pixel Journal and is living in Northern California. She has three cats and her hobbies include reading, biking, and writing. 

Julianna ’23

Culture Editor

Julianna is a senior in her third year at Stanford OHS. She is the Culture column's editor for the Pixel Journal, and also serves OHS as a Spanish peer tutor. She is interested in medicine and loves participating in different non-profits that range from tutoring to podcasts specializing in digital responsibility. In her free time, she loves to play volleyball, eat anything sweet, and listen to a wide range of music!

Fevroniya ’24

Clubs Editor

Fev is a junior and is in her third year at Stanford OHS. Aside from being the Clubs Editor at Pixel Journal, she also runs the Zoology Circle at OHS and a Criminal Justice Club outside of school. Fev sits on the Youth Boards for DofE UK and Save The Children UK. In her free time, she enjoys playing field hockey, running a social justice-themed podcast, watching dressage, and reading. 

Tala ’26

Community Engagement Editor

Tala is a part-time freshman from the Philippines in her first year at Stanford OHS. Other than being the Pixel Journal's Community Engagement Editor, she leads the marketing teams of several other organizations outside of OHS. In the quiet hours, she enjoys playing football (or soccer), digital art, creative writing, reading, and playing the piano.




Arielle ’25

Jacob ’24

Jessica ’23

Lydia ’24

Naiya ’25

Rachael ’26

Sterling ’24


Contact one of our editors in order to become a contributor!