Shiva Oswal: Winner of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire – Whiz Kids Edition

Anisha Reddy interviewed part-timer OHSer and winner of $250,000 on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - Whiz Kids Edition, Shiva Oswal. Read below for the interview.

Pixel Journal: You were the youngest contestant ever to win at least $250,000 on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. What sparked your interest in this type of competition? Where did your journey begin?

Shiva Oswal: When I was watching Who Wants to Be A Millionaire shows on TV, I saw “Whiz Kids Week,” and I was like “this is not that hard, maybe I should try!” The application process was quite smooth, and all I had to do was give a couple of Skype interviews and write a few essays. I was extremely surprised to learn I had been accepted!

PJ: You’ve clearly made a name for yourself as an intellectual, but what are your interests besides academia?

SO: As many other 14 year olds, I love playing video games. I also do Dungeons and Dragons, and a sport called “Live Action Roleplaying” or LARP.

PJ: How long have you been at Stanford OHS? What led to your decision to join OHS as a part time student?

SO: I have been a student since 2015. I joined OHS for two reasons. First, I wanted to take more rigorous and challenging classes. Secondly, I needed more flexibility in my schedule, and OHS was a perfect fit.

PJ: Why do you choose to compete in game shows? Is there an overarching purpose, besides the cash reward?

SO: Not really. I thought that “Whiz Kids Week” looked really exciting, and I decided that there was nothing to lose by filling out a few essays and doing a few interviews. Eventually, that led me to $250,000.

PJ: If there was one person whom you would thank for your success, who would it be? Why?

SO: Probably my mom. Most people watch TV and say “that’s really cool,” but they don't do anything about it. My mom investigated and did her research, and found I was eligible to apply! She helped me through the whole process, and if it wasn’t for her I would never have even reached the show.

PJ: How did you do it? Was it years of training or is it just natural talent?

SO: I’ve been interested in learning for a very long time (hence the reason I came to OHS in the first place). I definitely have a natural talent for memorizing certain (but not all) things. For example, when I read something it sticks in my head, and months later I can recall it. Ironically enough, I sometimes forget things my parents tell me 5 minutes ago...

Correction (5/9/20): Edited to correct the name of the show Shiva competed in. Previously, the Journal had written the ‘Wiz Kids Edition.’