Circle Spotlight: Bible Study Circle

The Bible Study Circle is dedicated to providing a supportive community for OHS students to learn more about Christianity, faith, and the Bible. Check out Clubs Editor Fevroniya’s (’24) interview with leader Riley (’23) to learn more about the circle!

Pixel Journal: Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Riley: I've been at OHS for 5 years, I'm a senior, and I've been in Bible Study since freshman year.

PJ: What are the goals of Bible Study Circle?

R: The goal is to discuss Biblical texts and related philosophies and to create a community where people feel free to share their opinions as well as their lives.

PJ: How long have you been running the circle?

R: I've been running it since junior year, and we've had a few leaders before me.

PJ: How often do you meet? What do you do in a typical meeting?

R: We generally meet once a week and watch a sermon or video lecture and then discuss it as well as anything going on in our members' lives [that] they choose to share.

PJ: What impact does the club have on the Pixel community and beyond?

R: It has a large impact as individuals are free to share about their faith and lives and have a community of support. Further, it gives individuals the space to learn about Christianity as well as tackle any issues they may have with it.

PJ: What has been your personal highlight in leading the circle?

R: My personal highlight has been including individuals of different faiths or none to feel free to share.

PJ: Favorite thing about the circle/people/culture of your circle.

R: My favorite thing is [how we have] the most supportive people and how kind and understanding they all are of one another.