Letter from the Editor

Dear Reader,

After hurriedly scribbling the last solution to my last final exam (I hope to never cross paths with multivariable calculus again), I finally found myself long overdue in reflecting and treasuring what OHS and Pixel Journal have brought me over the last 5 years. I don’t think I will be able to properly digest the state of the times we are living through and my own upcoming graduation in this letter, yet I can successfully realize how much I have grown and learned.

I could have never known how much an online high school could have shaped who I am today. To all my friends, instructors, counselors, peer tutors and tutorees, club members, and fellow seniors, I am so thankful for making the past few years lively and exciting. Our bonds have succeeded time zones and distance, that no matter how infinite the hours and miles between us, our connections are more unbreakable than ever. Therefore, I have faith that we will continue to allow our bonds to stand the tests of time and years after graduation – that although we are continuing our separate ways, we will continue to share this unique experience and help each other grow through the rest of our ventures. 

If there is one thing I hope that everyone walks away with this year, whether you are a graduating senior or an excited middle schooler, it’s the fact that we matter. We know that we are powerful and will continue to influence, yet we must never forget in this process that kindness matters. We will continue to work hard to counteract the fear and division in the world, that we see to it by being compassionate, understanding, and loving of each other. We will support each other and aspire to the highest of heights.

I’m proud to announce that the Journal’s next editor-in-chief will be Eryn (’23)! I want to deeply thank the Pixel Journal team for continuing to create and transform the school. From spotlighting brilliant students to debating relatable topics, I hope that we keep sparking communities and leaving our legacy. I am so proud and will always remember Pixel Journal as my home.




Rachel Hu '22Comment